RAM Blog
RAM Blog

Checklist of the Apoid Wasps of Canada, Alaska and Greenland now published!
One of the goals of the researchers at RAM is to document the biodiversity in our province, this new checklist of Apoid Wasps is a piece of that work.

The Many Mammoths of Alberta
Dive into our latest research which suggests some interesting findings of hybrid mammoths

Not-So-Rosy Minnows
Learn about how the rosy red minnow is causing fish biologists some concerns.

The Bowen Residence: A Community Hub in Amber Valley
The Bowen Residence, also known as Obadiah Place, was associated with the Black settlers who founded Amber Valley from 1910-1912, having left the United States.

On their own terms: the Legacy of Wallbridge and Imrie
Meet Jean Wallbridge and Mary Imrie, trailblazers in the architectural industry and the 2SLGBTQ+ community

Bringing Buddhism to Southern Alberta
Learn about the history of Japanese Canadians who worked together to create the Picture Butte Buddhist Church

Mme Corbière`s Cutwork
In honour of Francophonie Month, join us on a journey through the intricate Richelieu-style cutwork designs of Amandine Corbiere

The Lossie Lane Quilt: A Testimony of Friendship Between Two Black Pioneer Settlers
A story about Black Pioneer Lossie Lane, her love of quilting, and her friendship with Ivy Beaver.

A Tale of Two Curators
Find out why an Ornithologist and Quaternary Palaeontologist are working together to study local nesting boxes.

A Modern-day Mammoth Search Party
Our Quaternary Palaeontology team recently explored the river valley.

(Bio-)Diversity reloaded: the adventures of a citizen scientist in Edmonton
How citizen scientists can help expand our knowledge of Alberta biodiversity

Appreciation or appropriation?
How do we know if we're appreciating or appropriating culture?

The Eastern Star Comes to Alberta
For Francophonie Month, we dive into the story of early Alberta settler Diana Nadeau, and the special quilt she brought along for the journey.

Meet Alberta's Turtle
Meet the Western Painted Turtle this Reptile Awareness Day

Meet your new neighbour!
There is a new lady beetle in Alberta called Hippodamia variegata, aka the Varigated Lady Beetle.

RAM Recommends: Science Literacy Week 2022
A list of resources to dig into Science Literacy Week

Buried Treasure – panning for gold in Edmonton’s river valley
Dig into the history of gold panning in Edmonton and learn how to pan for gold yourself!

Uncovering natural treasures
A new wasp discovery in Canada

Indigenous Artistry Video Series
Our new video series capturing the beauty of Indigenous artistry from beading and quillwork to tufting and fish scale art.

What can seeds teach us about forests?
Seeds are essential pieces in a forest ecosystem.

Women in STEM: Challenges and Barriers
Despite the relative increase in women in science in Canada and around the world, they still face challenges and barriers.

The artistry of an Octopus Bag
Octopus bags, named for their eight legs, are a beautiful representation of love.

The History of RAM
Take a look at some of the milestones the Royal Alberta Museum achieved over the years.

Telling the untold; preserving LGBTQ2S+ history in Alberta
Highlighting work done by local historians across Alberta to preserve LGBTQ2S+ history.

Get to know garter snakes
Learn about Alberta's most common snake species: the Garter snake

Stories to Tell: Collecting Alberta’s LGBTQ2S+ History
Collecting Alberta’s LGBTQ2S+ History

Science Literacy Week Resource List
A resources list to learn more about this year's Science Literacy Week theme of climate change

How to Quilt a Mammoth
Learn how to quilt your own mammoth! Plus, learn about the quilts in RAM's collection

Lightning in a bottle
How can a museum capture the story of the devastating 1987 Black Friday tornado?

History comes to Life
By Maria Nelson, former RAM Indigenous Student Museum Intern

Get to know: Jessica Sanderson-Barry
My name is Jess Sanderson-Barry, a nêhiyaw-iskwêw and mother from Chakastaypasin Band, Treaty Six Territory.

Camels... in Alberta?
By Kristine Fedyniak, Assistant Curator, Archaeology, and Chris Jass, Curator, Quaternary Palaeontology

Bella Twin and the Grizzly Bear
Do you love a good story like we do?

Pride Month Reading List
We reached out to The Pride Centre of Edmonton, and Calgary Outlink for their favourite book recommendations.

Are these invasive or just introduced?
Why are invasive species harmful? And why don’t all introduced species become invasive?

Chinese Head tax: George Yee’s story
By Julia Petrov, Curator, Daily Life and Leisure, And Matthew Ostapchuk, Acting Curator, Military and Government History

Challenging Women of Alberta
In honour of this year's International Women's Day theme, we’re honouring seven women who challenged gender bias and inequality in Albert.

Fil Fraser, Canada's First Black Broadcaster
Fil Fraser (1932-2017) was a pioneering Black Canadian broadcaster, journalist, author, producer, humanitarian, and educator.

How to make chocolate poops for Valentine's Day
How about making these animal poop chocolates inspired by the real poop of iconic Alberta animals!

Black History in Alberta
These stories, while often underrepresented or unknown, are essential to seeing the full picture of Canada’s and Alberta’s history.

Build a banjo and jam out!
Follow in the tradition of these musicians, and make your own instrument!

A Pudding by Any Name: La Pouchine
Truly a pudding by any name, this Métis recipe varies, as well from family to family. It is incredibly easy to make.

Objects can be powerful sources for remembering.

"The legend lives on"
By Emma Knight, Assistant Curator, Indigenous Studies, and Matt Ostapchuk, Curator, Military and Government History

From Rags, to Ringlets
By Nancy Nickolson, Family Programs Coordinator, and Julia Petrov, Acting Head of History

It came from summer camp...
My earliest memories of camp include rolling hills, the cool lake, quaint cabins, and the monster that terrorized it all: Goatman.

Squish it Flat!
Read on to discover more about the botany collections at RAM, and how to start pressing your own plants!

Following the footsteps of bison
By Mark Edwards, Curator, Mammalogy

Eat like a soldier
Taste a piece of history by making some hardtack of your own!

Why are these yellow birds turning red?
Join Dr. Jocelyn Hudon, RAM Curator of Ornithology, as he digs into this strange, colour-shifting phenomenon.

Buttons! Small but Mighty
For as long as there has been clothing, it would seem that buttons were used to hold two pieces of fabric or fur together.

Nature's Weavers
Weavers have been making cloth for thousands of years, but birds have been weaving nests for much longer.

Keeping language alive - there's an app for that!
We’ve compiled a list of a number of Indigenous language apps and resources that reach across the generations.

Indigenous History Resource List
Immerse yourself in the heritage, diversity and strength of Canada’s Indigenous Peoples.

Sixties Scoop: Stories of Loss, Strength, and Hope
By the Sixties Scoop Indigenous Society of Alberta, and Emma Knight, Assistant Curator, Indigenous Studies

"Time to go, George!"
Have you ever heard of the goldfish club? What about the caterpillar club? If you're familiar with military or aviation history, these might ring a bell.

Indigenous Reading List
Our list includes everything from books to introduce your children to the history of residential schools, to understanding the Indian Act and Indigenous Rights.

Na’h e’tse’ah: Dene Hand Game
Have you ever seen the Dene Tha’ hand game?

An old-timey skill for a modern need
Why not dust off your own sewing machine and make a face mask?

The mysterious gemstone button box
During the move downtown, RAM staff discovered some strange – and extremely fancy! – boxes. Boxes with no keys, and no way to open them.

Honour Songs
Featuring the work of Melissa-Jo (MJ) Belcourt Moses. MJ is a Métis artist of Cree, Mohawk and French heritage from Lac Ste. Anne, Alberta.

Making Do: Socks for Playtime
Make your very own soft toy to keep you company at home!

Which dinosaur has the most unique teeth?
You probably feel like you know what dinosaur teeth looked like, right?

The fitted sheet - An Alberta invention, and folding nightmare
Did you know the fitted sheet was invented in Alberta?

The Chief’s Daughter - Creations for the Generations
Meet Karli Crowshoe of the Chief’s Daughter, and see her hat that is now a part of the RAM Collection

Join Moe on a Mammoth Adventure
Download our activity book for museum fun at home!

Mysteries in Mudstone
What could this mysterious discovery be?

Next stop: Nashville
Meet Indigenous musicians Harry Rusk and Archie Calliou

Explore our collection – in 3D!
Check out 3D models of artifacts, specimens, and dioramas from the RAM collection

International Day of Women and Girls in Science
Celebrate International Day of Women and Girls in Science with RAM Curator Diana Tirlea and her daughter Sia

Hatti's Harlem Chicken Inn
Head into the famous chicken joint, Hatti's Harlem Chicken Inn

Fossil Fanatic: explore Ice Age fossils with Dr. Chris Jass
Head into the Quaternary Palaeontology collection room with Dr. Chris Jass.

Hooray for Hats!
In honour of National Hat Day, come check out all the great hats in the RAM collection.

Fly through our ornithology collection
January 5 is National Bird Day! Check out some of the great specimens in our Ornithology collection.

Unboxing! 7 new coins in the RAM collection [Video]
Unbox some impressive new coins in the RAM collection.

Curating your ultimate RAM visit
Whether you're a nature-lover, a history buff, or a kiddo with energy to burn, we'll help you plan your RAM visit.

Intangible Alberta and the Magic Vintage Toys of Christmas Morning
Remember your favourite toy when you were young? Remember how it felt almost magical?

Ghosts in the Vault - An Intangible Alberta Halloween Special
With a collection of 2.5 million objects going back millions of years, we’re bound to have a few ghosts in our cabinets, right?

Intangible Alberta: Be kind, please remind... me about video rental stores!
Video rentals stores are slowly becoming relics of the past, but few still remain in Alberta.

Welcome to Intangible Alberta – the podcast!
Dive into Alberta's stories beyond the exhibit cases.

The Basket Tree (Part 2)
In Part Two of this blog series, Skye teaches how to construct a birch bark basket.

Barking Up the Right Tree (Part 1)
Follow along with former ISMI intern Skye and learn about harvesting birch bark to make baskets.

An Unexpected Partnership
What happens when you combine museum objects, X-rays, and the bomb squad?

The Chicken Inn across the road
Go back in time to eat at Hatti's Harlem Chicken Inn

A Well of History
Travel back in time to visit the communities of Alberta's early Black settlers.

Museum’s famed “finger rock” gets a spit polish
What's the best way to clean a concretion? The answer may surprise you...