I Am From Here was open March 23, 2019 – November 1, 2020.
"...this is why sometimes I cry in my heart; I just love it out here. I love my people but the memory of it hurts because we gave our lives to this part of the country... no one knows this."
- Rosa Shannon, Wildwood, Alberta
from The Window of Our Memories by Velma Carter and Wanda Leffler Akili, 1981.

Hundreds of Black pioneers made Alberta their home over a century ago, when the province was still young. The legacy of these early settlers is deeply rooted in communities such as Campsie, Wildwood, Amber Valley, Breton, Edmonton and Calgary. Yet, when their descendants are asked "Where are you from?" their answer, "I am from here," is often met with surprise or confusion.
I Am From Here shares the remarkable stories of the descendants of Alberta's early Black pioneers. Listen to spoken word stories from a tabletop jukebox, sit in a classic diner booth, welcome home a railroad porter, or watch a film about one family's quilting tradition. Explore what it means to say "I am from here."